Enjoy this weeks content of Rudolf and Gingerbread Mandalorians from StarWars! This includes cosplay content, tattoos, tattoo flash, photos and videos. Enjoy this weeks 'Holiday Party' Mandalorian content.
Christmas Mandalorian Full PhotoSet:

Sometimes there are funny moments and memories that come out of activities done at conventions!
Christmas Mandalorians
“I think one of the funniest moments of all times in my cosplay career was realizing that Cloud and I accidentally won a competition at Holmat in 2023. Now let me explain, in July 2023, Cloud and I wanted to brainstorm on some new Cosplays we wanted to make for a Holmat of that year, it was definitely some thing that we had to overthink and really ponder about bringing. We had settled on Mandalorians that are Christmas themed. I had drawn up several different versions on my iPad that we could end up going with, and we ended up choosing Rudolph and Gingerbread. These Cosplays did extremely well, and I am so happy I was able to make them in a couple days before Holmat. I made these cosplays in about 2-3 days with a 104.0 fever and being sick. However, a couple months before Holmat, Cloud had asked me if I wanted to participate in a fashion show at the convention. I had agreed, and he signed us up for the fashion show! Little did we know that the fashion show was actually a competition, once we got there and we were backstage, that’s when we had heard that the judges were being announced and we got confused. Turned out that is a competition after all. We ended up placing as 'Most Presentable' and won free tickets for the next year of 2024! These Cosplay‘s were a lot of fun mainly because I was able to use my own imagination and my own drawings to make it come to life."
"For my Rudolph Cosplay, I ended up adding squeakers in the tail and nose so that they squeaked whenever pressed. I added a lot more details to my Rudolph, such as bells, and fur alongside the edges of armor."
"For the 'Gingerbread' or 'Gingi', I had put Kwik seal on nearly all the armor to make it look like frosting. I had made a pattern of Dremel marks that made the armor look like graham crackers as well as buttons that looked like candy. Cloud was able to make the the helmets of the Cosplays since I was more focused on sewing the flight suits (with fans inside) as well as the armor from scratch. For Cosplays that we had no idea we were competing as and ended up winning we are still incredibly proud of these Cosplays and are definitely bringing them back to Holmat very soon!"
This weeks Tattoo:

Have any recommendations for characters or themes next month?