Enjoy this weeks content of Astarion from Baldurs Gate 3! This includes cosplay content, tattoos, tattoo flash, photos and videos. Enjoy this weeks 'Vampire Coven' Astarion content.
Astarion Full PhotoSet:

A small requested cosplay turned into LarpLikeRae's most requested tattoo in cosplay!
"I never realized until I made my Astarion cosplay that people are crazy for this man, I knew that my partner cloud had a crush on Astarion but I didn’t know how bad it could get with others until I cosplayed as him. I first had cosplayed as him in 2024 for a tattoo and Cosplay video where I tattooed my own partner Cloud as an in character Astarion tattoo session. That video blew up to say nonetheless and the comments I thought were going to be very nice and respectful but half of the comments were very thirsty and really weird people saying gross things. They were making really inappropriate and kind of gross comments about tattoos and what they would let Astarion do to them with the tattoos. Such as "I would let him drink the blood out of my tattoo" or "I would let him lick my tattoo". There was a lot worse comments than that, but for your sanity and for mine, because I don’t want to read that again, I will let your imagination roam (or you can check my TikTok video). Once I have cosplayed any character, either it is requested again or people forget or don't know anything about it. Astarion however has been my most requested 'Tattoo in Cosplay' I think I’ve ever gone. I’ve been requested several times to Cosplay as Astarion over and over again by other cosplayers as well as clients. Granted, I don’t have a very canon outfit for him since it is just a medieval shirt and steampunk pants. combined with a wig that I curled with a pencil. But nonetheless, I do appreciate this Cosplay more than I would like to admit. It’s just the comments and the fans with this Cosplay are a little too much and they are kind of creepy/scary but other than that I think he’s a fun character to tattoo as!"
"Later on in the year, Saboten con came around and I was requested to tattoo in cosplay as a guest! I had brought my Astarion cosplay and tattooed as him on the last day. Astarion is a very fun character to cosplay as and much more fun to tattoo as, so if you are looking at getting tattooed by him.... DO IT!"
This weeks Tattoo:

Client: Brendan
This weeks Astarion themed Tattoo Flash:

Interested in booking an appointment with any of these designs?
Click below to claim any of these flash designs and to view prices!
Have any recommendations for characters or themes next month?