A video game that was able to influence LarpLikeRae to support and love the franchise and finally convince them to cosplay! Undertale has been one LarpLikeRae's first video games they thoroughly enjoyed and began to bring outfits to life to shoe their support to the games.

Frisk Undertale Cosplay
From one of the very first Cosplay’s LarpLikeRae made to something that is so memorable and protected!
"When I was in high school, I didn’t know much about Cosplay or what it was. I didn’t know that there was an actual title or a name to it. I just wanted to dress up as characters that I loved. Kind of like making an outfit inspired by a character rather than their actual outfit, more of something that could blend into the crowd and not stand too much out since I had really bad anxiety back then. So when I started to get slowly into video games with my friends, they began showing me small video games, that were more of indie pop or cute themed ones. I had fallen across the path of Undertale. Undertale meant a lot to me, and I wanted to dress up as the main character Frisk. Frisk had a lot of the same physical attributes as I did such as a brown hair at the time and of course being small as heck. I had blue little Jean shorts and shoes so all I had to do was make the shirt. For the top, I had gone to Goodwill to purchase two shirts that were light blue and pink. Then I cut up the pink shirt and overlaid it onto the blue shirt. With that being said I didn't know how to sew with a machine yet and ended up hand stitching, the pink stripes onto the blue shirt. To top off the entire Cosplay I had a yellow flower crown headband that I loved to death and used that as a hair accessory. It was my first Cosplay, without even knowing what Cosplay was but I loved every second of it and sadly, I cannot find photos to save my life so you’ll just have to hear it out from here! I do have photos of me getting back into the cosplay about 4 years later in 2020, so enjoy those photos!"