The Promised Neverland was destined to have 37 chapters of the Manga and several seasons to the anime, however due to the production studio they had cut the anime production to only 2 seasons! TPN has been LarpLikeRae's favorite series for years and has been one of the most enjoyable cosplays they have created!

Emma The Promised NeverLand Cosplay
The title of the sweetest and most hardworking independent character in The Promised Neverland series has to be crowned to Emma, one of the oldest siblings and one who is able to make a difference for the orphanage.
"I honestly believe that one of the best characters and growth shown in 'The Promised Neverland' has to be Emma. Most people I have met have called her annoying or immature, even if she is literally a child, so with all the hate towards her character, I made it a point to bring her to life! She is such an understnading and independent character that does everything she can do to be as selfless as possible to help her family. For this cosplay, I mainly used what I had around the house with white clothing and brown boots. Her cosplay was one of the easiest to do and by far one of the most fun ones. I was able to bring back my inner child for a cosplay and enjoy just being a kid again in her personality while acting! For her wig, I had added a wire to the middle of it and wrapped strands of hair around it to make the curl at the top. For her props I had yet again released my inner child and made the kids drawings from the anime that were on the walls with marker and crayons. The ear gadget was man from an empty box, wire and paint. The floral was a wooden frame with glued on fake red flowers. These cosplays took a lot to put together and mean so much to me!"

Ray The Promised Neverland Cosplay
One of the rare joys in cosplaying is to be able to portray a character with the same name as yourself!
"I think the weirdest part about cosplaying as Ray is because we share a name (just spelt differently) so when people call out my cosplay in public they tend to say 'I like your Ray cosplay!' and it confuses me since I am not cosplaying myself! Other than the fun name, I love this cosplay soley becuase it is so easy to pull together, the most done for this character was making the tracker from an old makeup container, chain and paint. It is honestly one of my favorite props of all times that I have created. The clothing for this cosplay is the same as his other two siblings with the acception of dress shoes than boots."

Norman The Promised Neverland Cosplay
Something about wearing all white anywhere is just asking about paranoia.
"I will fully admit, wearing all white is definitely an anxiety induced task. Especially if the wig is ALSO white. I love cosplaying as Norman, but due to the added white scarf, jacket and wig, it gives me lots of anxiety to wear unlike his other siblings. The more white clothing the more paranoia! If it wasnt for all the white for his outfit, I probably wouldve enjoyed cosplaying as him more to be honest. The numbers on his neck (tattoo) tend to rub off on the white scarf, with the other characters you are able to pull back the collar of the shirt away so that it does not come off, yet the scarf for norman likes to smudge it or stain it gray. If there was one anime that is out to get cosplayers with wearing the color white, it is definitely 'The Promised Neverland'."