Growing up, LarpLikeRae was never really into Star Wars due to most of the violence in it and being raised in a household where their parent did not allow them to watch anything with violence against people. When LarpLikeRae had turned 22, they were finally able to have a chance to discover more of Star Wars since their partner Cloud has been a huge fan for years. LarpLikeRae wanted nothing more than to Cosplay and get to know a fandom that their partner loved so much. Clouds interests became LarpLikeRae’s!

Click here for several renditions of custom Mandalorian Cosplays!

Thrawn Cosplay Star Wars
There are opportunities where cosplayers are able to test out new cosplays and characters and those cosplays so extremely well!
"I believe one of my favorite cosplays has to be Thrawn from Star Wars solely because I did not think that I could pull it off and was genuinely thinking that I would delete any and all photos from it like my Maul cosplay. After spending 3 hours doing the makeup and of course sewing the cosplay myself, I had high hopes once I began taking photos in my apartment. At this time, Star Wars: Clone Wars was one of the only times we had seen Thrawn in the series other than the books since Ahsoka hadn't come out yet, so I had a LOT to work with and show off my creativity. After I had made content, I decided that I liked the photos more than the videos. So I had scratched the videos and stayed to the photos instead. I was dyed blue like a smurf for about 3 days afterwards no matter how hard I scrubbed at my skin! This cosplay is one of my all time favorites, even though I accidentally got rid of his outfit while moving, I would cosplay as him in a HEARTBEAT."

Maul Cosplay Star Wars
Maul was always a character that LarpLikeRae recognized but knew nothing about until they first met their partner Cloud as Maul is his favorite character from Star Wars.
"This cosplay is not one of my favorites to be honest, I never really planned to cosplay as him until I met Cloud and he had expressed how he was his favorite character. So I took my hand at cosplaying as him. It wasn't my favorite or best work since I love my thrawn cosplay so much more, but I will admit huge PROPS to those that do his makeup often because it was so painstaking slow. I deleted most photos of this cosplay since I didn't really like it at all, but here are some photos that I do like at least a little bit more than the others."

Rey Cosplay Star Wars
Cosplayers are some of the most creative people in the world with finding new ways to work with cosplays, characters and outfits!
"This cosplay means a lot more to me than some people may realize. This cosplay first started out in my high school years when I didn't even know what cosplaying was. My high school was having spirit week before homecoming and one of the days was 'Disney'. I loved participating ever since I was little in elementary school so I loved a good challenge with making a spur of the moment outfit. Since the theme was Disney, I hadn't watched many Disney movies growing up, so I had talked to one of my friends in English class wanting to see what costume I could do since I hadn't seen much. They recommended Rey from Star Wars because
1: I looked like her.
2: I shared some personality traits as her.
3: My name is also Rae!
I was hesitant at first since I didn't really know what she looked like and I didn't want to do too much effort for one day, but once I looked her up, I HAD TO DO IT! I got home and cut up an old tan bedsheet, tank top and pants. Somehow this cosplay worked! I used my own hair and wore boots I already owned. The next day at school, I was extremely anxious since everyone else was just wearing Disney shirts or Mickey Mouse headbands. I was the only one that really put in that much effort but everyone loved it since Rae was cosplaying as Rey. Thats when I was introduced with the idea and name of: Cosplay."
"During lunch period of that day, the student council was going around the school to find people who were dressed up to enter into a costume contest in the cafeteria. I basically got dragged into it and hopped on stage with 4 other people. There was a Peter Pan, Prince charming and someone else I hadn't recognized since I am not too much acquainted with Disney. The louder the audience cheered for one person, the person would win. I ended up winning free homecoming tickets for that weekend. After lunch I had gone to my math class (where I didn't have any friends in sadly) where when I sat down a popular girl turned to her friends and asked me in a rude tone what I was wearing and why it was bedsheets. I simply said 'This outfit got me free tickets to homecoming, and yet your broke from it.' After I said it, I went back to my work."
"Since then, I was more acquainted with the term of Cosplaying and now it is my full time job and profession! I have cosplayed Rey several times now and am so happy I was able to show it off several times throughout the years."