One of the more popular animes in history is calculated at 4.5 stars out of 5, is Seven Deadly Sins, taking the hit on also being one of the most inappropriate animes for kids. Cosplayers find ways to express their love for their favorite character from Seven Deadly Sins and portray them to the best of their abilities!

King Seven Deadly Sins Cosplay
King... a member of the Seven Deadly Sins who represents the Sin of Sloth.
King (sloth)
"When I first got into anime, I really really tried my hardest to get into Seven Deadly Sins since my friends were all into it. However, it was not something to my liking and I tried forcing myself to get into it. I was barely 16 at the time, secretly watching this anime since it is not the most appropriate for younger audiences, and wanted to make his pillow. After not knowing how to even sew, I decided to give up the ambition of making his cosplay and pillow. Later on in 2022, nearly 6 years later, I took on the challenge to finally make his cosplay! I enjoyed every minute of it and fell in love with basically being in pajamas. I took this cosplay with me to Kumoricon 2022 with my great friend JJ (she/her) and her mother Serena (she/her). This cosplay holds a special place in my heart because after years of sewing and making lots of cosplays, I was able to finally make the one cosplay I wanted to all along."