There are many different types of Horror video games throughout the years and most of them follow a series or franchise. One of the most complicated pseudoscience fiction video games has been Resident Evil, following the story line of several characters and the T-Virus (a zombie infestation).

Ethan Winters Cosplay Resident Evil Village
There are joys in being able to borrow cosplays from others and seeing your own renditions of that character!
Ethan Winters
"Where do I even start with Ethan Winters?! Haha!! When I first met my partner, I remember we were first talking about what video games and fandom‘s we were into. Cloud had explained how he has gone viral in the past for his Ethan Winters cosplay, I had known nothing about Ethan Winters, and nothing about Resident Evil! Boy would I know that about two years later I would have done an entire Resident Evil panel alongside him and have cosplayed two characters from the series! When I first saw Cloud‘s Ethan Cosplay, he was able to describe exactly why he made it the way he made it, and how much detail went into a jacket that he literally bought. The cosplay that he had was basically bought from Goodwill and other clothing stores, but the way he was able to customize it to actually look like Ethan Winters was amazing. It was from every bite and scratch mark that he included from the game to every bit of detail in the Cosplay. Later on in 2023 he had asked if I wanted to ever cosplay as Ethan Winters and I said that I would absolutely love to, so in the month of October I ended up getting into his Ethan winters cosplay, while my hair was blonde, and I was able to cosplay as him. This cosplay was honestly a lot of fun. The only complaint I had is that you have to wrap your fingers in an awful way, and your fingers start to cramp while in that wrap for hours. To admit, as someone that has tattooing as their job and literal life... having cramped hands is not fun. Specially, for several days later so with how much I love this Cosplay with how much effort and fullness that cloud has put into and how he was able to let me borrow and bring to life as well, I probably would not cosplayed him solely because of my poor cramping hand and the fact that my hands are my money makers!"

Karl Heisenberg Cosplay Resident Evil Village
Ever wondered what it is like to not have the voice of the character you are cosplaying? Lets talk about it!
Karl Heisenberg
"Well, well well where do I start with Karl Heisenberg? There are several Cosplays where I have made or created that are characters that do not share the same body type or features as myself. And sometimes by cosplaying those different characters, I either have an absolute love for them immediately, or I end up not liking them because I am too critical on myself. Karl Heisenberg is a cosplay of mine, that I genuinely thought that I would not enjoy or not like the way I felt in, but after cosplaying as him, it turns out that I enjoyed it more than I thought possible. I was able to purchase a gray lace front wig back in December 2023 and decided not to use it until 2024 in June for Phoenix Pam fusion. Phoenix Fan Fusion had me as a special guest (which I am still honored to this day to be able to work with them) and at this time before I got excepted as a guest, I had agreed to several panels! Once I was invited as a guest, I couldn’t really back out of all these panels. So I was hosting and participating in eight panels throughout the entire weekend. And as a guest that is a lot especially with having a booth and being able to sell merch. Luckily, I had Cloud and Jinx (they/them) to help me during this time. Cloud and I ended up hosting a resident evil panel on Sunday at the convention (the first panel of the day) and the only panel of that entire day for us. I was able to cosplay as Karl Heisenberg for this panel and it was my first time really cosplaying as Karl at a convention, I will not lie this Cosplay was one of my most fun ones of the entire weekend I had a blast and I think it’s mainly because the body did not match the voice at all! Being able to fool people constantly brought lots of confusion and joy to not only myself but several other people. I will definitely re-cosplay as Karl again in the future if I had the chance or ability to, but because I own 0ver 300 cosplays already I am preferring to redo older ones than to bring him back anytime soon. But if I do.... just know that is over for all you Karl Heisenberg simps!"