When reading articles, posts or talking to others, OC may be used several times while talking about characters. What does that mean? OC stands for Original Character. Whether that be a character you have designed or customized from a show, series, fandom or making your own universe.

Sesame Street Original Character
There are moments in life where childhood memories come back in as an adult, and you have to learn to love and respect them!
Sesame Street Original Design
"Growing up I had watched PBS Kids and more importantly: Sesame Street. I could never really pick a favorite character from Sesame Street since all of theme were so unique and vastly different in their own ways which made me respect and love this show growing up. I had never really planned to cosplay from Sesame Street, however in July of 2024 I had visited my Family up in Oregon for Wasabicon. For JJ and my Birthday, Serena (adoptive momma) took us to go shopping for our birthdays. All I remember was looking at sunglasses when I heard 'RAE COME HERE I FOUND THE PERFECT THING!' from the other room. Serena had pulled out a comic book style Sesame Street skirt from a rack and handed it to me saying 'try it on!'"
"Once putting on the long skirt, I had immediately fallen in love with how chaotic and unique it was. Serena had gotten it for me and we continued to shop and enjoy our birthdays. A couple days later, I had gotten home to Arizona from Oregon and my first mission was to make this cosplay. I drew up some references I wanted to go off of. Some of the things I added to this drawing were not added to the final cosplay, but I think it is still unique enough and adds to every single character!"
"For this cosplay, I wanted nothing more to bring Sesame Street to life with one cosplay. I made clay items from each character to include the memories from the show. This includes: Rocko, Oscar's trash can lid, Cookie Monsters Cookie, Abby's lady bug and flower, Bert and Ernie's Rubberducky, Slimey (Oscar's Worm), Count Dracula's Bats, Grovers superhero shirt and Big Birds feathers. I wanted to add so much to this that kids would be able to recognize as much as they can and never get bored looking at it!"
"When I was up in Portland Oregon for Wasabicon PDX, I had the amazing opportunity to judge the kids cosplay contest. That weekend however I was planning on cosplaying two characters that tend to be mean or scary characters. I felt as if I needed a more kid friendly cosplay if I were to ever judge another kids contest. So a couple days later when Serena showed me the skirt, I had morphed it into a cosplay that is extremely kid friendly!"

Chili and Pepper Dabloon Cat Cosplays
Following popular trends can boost your reach, content and even become famously well known!
Chilli and Pepper
"These two Original characters of mine holds the title of my most viral and most seen video on TikTok with 3.8million views. I remember being on TikTok and seeing lots of videos with a cat called the 'Dabloon Cat'. This cat would give or take a false currency named 'Dabloons'. The more you scrolled the more you would gain and give Dabloons from different content creators and videos. I decided to make two Original characters called Chili and Pepper, two police cats that were in search of illegal Dabloons. The entire video that was only filmed to be one video and turned into a whole series once it blew up! Still to this day I am getting comments of people adding and taking Dabloons in my comment section. I loved these two characters ever since I made them and maybe one day would love to bring them back!"

Wibby Blackburn Original Character Cosplay
Sometimes being able to create your own characters shows off your imagination and creativity.
Wibby BlackBurn
"In 2018 I remember creating a character called Wibby, a small green witch that had a hyper personality. When creating this cosplay, I decided that I wanted to cosplay as her for Halloween at my job at the time: MOD Pizza. They allowed their workers to dress up for Halloween and I went CRAZY with it! This cosplay was a tad bit difficult to see in and I'm pretty sure I burnt several pizzas with being blind, but this cosplay was a lot of fun and lots of customers loved it!"

Abarrane Original Character Cosplay
In high school LarpLikeRae had worked on a short story of a girl named Abarrane, this story took years to write and was never finished.
"I have never really been one to cosplay as my own Original Characters since I never thought that they would do well. Abarrane was my first Original Character Cosplays and turned out pretty good for being a first experience. In 2023 I ended up throwing away all the stories and drawing since I needed more space, but this character still holds a close place to my heart."