July of 2016, a dating simulator game had came out on mobile apps known as Mystic Messenger where you are able to romance several characters while joining in the organization: RFA. There are several different routes you can take while playing this game and each of your responses effects the storyline to give a butterfly effect.

Zen Mystic Messenger Cosplay
From playing a video game to cosplaying a character you fancy.
"Back in 2020 I was able to make my Zen Cosplay from Mystic Messenger finally! Back in high school I remember secretly playing the game Mystic Messenger on my phone and loving all the characters that you could interact with. However there was one that did stand out to me a little bit more solely because of his flashy personality, and the way he loves to act and portray different characters. That is something that I really had a liking to at the time, and still obviously do. In 2020 when Covid hit, Metrocon was canceled and I had planned to go with several friends and stay at an air-bnb there but because it had been canceled we all were a little distraught. All of us didn’t know what to do so instead I invited everyone to stay at the tiny air-bnb with me for an entire week while we cosplay and quarantine together. Since I was unable to refund the flight ticket and air-bnb, I decided that it would be better to still go and make content with everyone rather than not go and waste all that time, money and experience. We named this event the 'HypeHotel'. Plus, we would be quarantining all together for that time so we had discussed what cosplays we were wanting to do together. One of the groups we had decided was a Mystic Messenger group since it would be a lot of fun and all of us enjoyed the game a couple years back. So without further ado, I decided to cosplay as Zen and make his Cosplay a couple weeks before the 'HypeHotel' at this time. I also made Covid masks that matched every single one of our Cosplays so that we were able to go out in public if we needed to for groceries outside photoshoots to still be able to be safe. I love this Cosplay and I genuinely think that I should remake it because the fabric on the jacket is two different colors that I didn’t realize until AFTER I made the cosplay. Other than that I enjoyed this cosplay and huge group we were able to successfully throw together. It was a lot of fun and I would definitely do it again if I had the chance to!"