Ever wondered what it would be like to be accidentally dyed pink like a shrimp for about 3 days and go onto an airplane looking sunburnt? You can read LarpLikeRae's experience here to see what their challenges were cosplaying as Mina Ashido!

Casual Mina Ashido Cosplay
There is a lot of effort that is put into cosplaying a character with facepaint, especially if it requires leaving the house or even going to a convention!
Casual Mina
"One of my least favorite parts about cosplaying has to be facepaint. Face paint in my opinion is rough, I hate how it feels on my skin and the aftermath of being stained to matter how well I tried to get it off. Lately I have been resulting to using Sunset Makeup's Colored Foundation instead and it works so much better and leaves my skin feeling amazing afterwards. It has the consistency of foundation and barely comes off on clothing or hands. I discovered Colored Foundation in 2024 however, so the years prior while cosplaying as Mina and any other character that requires neon colored skin I had used cream face paint which was such a HORRIBLE MISTAKE."
"In 2021 I had the opportunity to surprise my friend JJ (she/her) in Portland Oregon. Since this trip was a surprise orchestrated by her family and myself, I had to plan out what cosplays I wanted to take so that she could borrow some and we could make content together! One of the cosplays was Mina and Ochako. So I ended up making a casual version of Mina with yellow overalls, black shirt and a jacket that accented her hero outfit with fur and the name 'Queen' on the back in paint. These cosplays turned out so good and we made such amazing content and memories exploring Portland Oregon together!"

School Uniform Mina Ashido Cosplay
Facepaint and high collared shirts half the time do not work out as well as most suppose they do, how do you get cream facepaint out of a cosplay?
School Uniform Mina Ashido
"One of the most stubborn things about cosplaying as a character with face paint is the chance of getting it on EVERYTHING! Let me warn you... E V E R Y T H I N G. Shirt, wig, hands, arms, pants, props, gloves, doors, phones, wallets, keys, your soul, YOU NAME IT. Some face paint brands are better than others and you have to remember to set it with setting spray or powder. But sometimes no matter what, it'll transfer off onto something else. With cosplaying as Mina, it is very common transfer face paint onto clothing on the neck and wrists. I have discovered washing it first with undiluted dish soap and blotting the stain with rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover using a clean, dry white cloth but please always spot test first! Of course wash it in your washer and dryer afterwards! That is the one huge downside to cosplaying as mina is the face paint that gets everywhere!"