One of the most underrated characters in My Hero Academia that is disliked by many has been voted: LaBrava. Her personality, character and design isn't liked by most except one person who fell in love, LarpLikeRae.

LaBrava Cosplay
La Brava has been one of the most rewarding and sentimental cosplays LarpLikeRae has created from My Hero Academia.
"When I first began watching seaon 5 of My Hero Academia, we were all introduced to a lovely villain duo called Gentle Criminal and LaBrava. When watching their arc, several people had commented how they disliked the characters and it was boring to watch. However, while I was watching it, I fell in love with LaBrava. I could care less for Gentle Criminal and wasn't fond of him, but I did take a liking to his side kick. She was a character who had passion, especially after going through a rough upbringing. It made me want to bring her to life even if people wouldn't know who I was cosplaying or didn't care much about her character. Because of my height, I am pretty uncomfortable with cosplaying tall characters, however this was my first time really cosplaying a character that had an extremely short height. I felt comfortable in it because I didn't have to step on my tippy toes to be tall, or film from a lower angle to appear tall. Instead I adjusted the camera at a higher angle pointing down! This cosplay reminded me that you cant change your body type, but to be comfortable within your own skin. That even if you do cosplay characters that are nothing like you, you can always have fun cosplaying as characters that you do have similarities with!"