In 2024 one of the most popular series and fandoms that blew up was Hazbin hotel. Several cosplayers from all over the world, decided to bring their favorite characters to life with different aspects and customizations to make the Cosplays very unique from others. LarpLikeRae took it upon themselves to tattoo in as many characters as they possibly could from Hazbin Hotel.

Charlie Hazbin Hotel Cosplay
Something about cosplayers hopping onto trends at the perfect time can boost their content and influence on platforms!
“Charlie was my first ever cosplay from Hazbin hotel that I had tattooed in Cosplay as. I remember, I wanted to cosplay as one of the characters from Hazbin Hotel when it first started becoming popular. I didn’t have much for the Cosplays, so I went with more of a casual outfit that I knew I already had such as Charlie! I already had the red pants, jacket as well as the bowtie and shirt. The only thing that was a little different that I couldn’t really customize was the wig. That blonde wig was meant for a lot of other characters, so I did not want to chop it up with bangs if I was going to use it for other characters being that length and style. However this entire cosplay turned out to be a huge success, and the video did very well and grew my audience on TikTok and YouTube just a little bit more!”

Lucifer Hazbin Hotel Cosplay
While some shows become popular and trendy, requests for those cosplays of characters tend to happen throughout comment sections or private DM’s. LarpLikeRae was requested to Cosplay as a Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel so they made that dream a reality!
“After I decided to Cosplay as Charlie while tattooing in Cosplay, that video ended up blowing up and was viewed several thousand times. One of the main Cosplays that was requested on that video was to tattoo as Lucifer next. This character was something that I had already planned to make and create so it was a perfect opportunity to bring this Cosplay to the tattoo shop and tattoo a client as. Sometimes there are chances where clients do not request a Cosplay and I will still come into the shop as a character because I need content. This video did extremely well on all platforms yet the consistent thing that kept on happening was in the comment section people were upset that did not tattoo a rubber ducky. The client that I had tattooed in this Cosplay was wanting an anchor that meant a lot to her, and the fact that people were demanding a tattoo that that client would not want was quite disrespectful. It is something that some people will never understand. Because I had posted a video of me tattooing someone… that tattoo is 100% valid and people need to respect the choice of the client whether or not it relates to theCosplay or not. I would absolutely love to Cosplay as Lucifer again and tattoo as him however the hat is very annoying to tattoo with and gives me a crick in the neck HAHA!”

Angel Dust Hazbin Hotel Cosplay
When cosplaying as a character that has been well requested, there are several moments where the cosplay is rushed and not put together like the cosplayer had planned for.
Angel Dust
“When I was mainly doing all my tattoo in cosplay content from Hazbin Hotel, Angel Dust was one of the first cosplays after Charlie and Lucifer. I had thrown together his cosplay last minute by making the shirt and using things that I already had from other Cosplays. The wig was restyled from one of my old wigs from whenever I Cosplayed from Aphmau. I changed up the a lot on the outfit with more customized accessories and add-on’s, yet it was nothing canon that he actually wore. This outfit was extremely hot to wear in the shop and to tattoo in but I did love the way it turned out! If I did end up cosplaying as Angel Dust again while tattooing, I would probably change the outfit a tad that more!”

Husk Hazbin Hotel Cosplay
One of the pleasures of cosplaying a character in a quick fashion, is being able to use supplies and accessories that you already have from other outfits to create a new character.
“Husk is a character that I quickly put together to cosplay as! I didn’t plan to make his tail or wings since it is a hassle to tattoo in those and this cosplay was mainly made to tattoo a clients in. I used items I already had such as suspenders, shirt, bow tie and ears! The ears were made in 2020 as a design I had made just for shits and giggles, turns out that those ears would work perfectly for him. Since then, I have made actual ears that I sell on this website for husk!! So if you are interested please go check them out!”

Emily Hazbin Hotel Cosplay
Not all cosplays done by a cosplayer are their favorites and sometimes within time they either retire the cosplay or remake it to be better!!
“Emily was a cosplay I threw together quickly after finding a white dress at goodwill! I quickly made her cosplay but didn’t like it much or the way it turned out. I tattooed as her but never edited the video since it wasn’t a favorite of mine. I have a feeling I will either retire her cosplay all together or try to actually make her cosplay as accurate as I possibly can. It depends on how the cards will play out in the future.”