Begin imagining an anime fully about a male volleyball team that each have unique personalities, drama and a shared love of the sport.... that's Haikyuu in a nutshell! LarpLikeRae took it upon themselves to cosplay nearly the entire Haikyuu VolleyBall team plus the coach within 1 full week!
Enjoy the Full Haikyuu Sleepover Skit made in 2021 by Rae, with access to bloopers and the written plot/script!
Haikyuu SleepOver Skit 2021

Hinata Haikyuu Cosplay
Why is it that majority of main characters have either one of two things in common: Short or High hopes and dreams.
Shoyo Hinata
"I remember back in 2020 I watched the anime first hand in my living room on my laptop. I fell in love yet again with another anime, this one being Haikyuu. Hinata was not my first to cosplay, yet he was my third! Later on in 2021 I wrote a whole skit for the Karasuno volleyball team to play 'Two truths and a lie' yet the only problem was that I didn't have others to cosplay with me, so instead I did it all by myself! Hinata was probably one of the funnest characters to portray and the most bloopers I've ever recorded solely thanks to playing as him. All the characters shirts for that skit were hand painted by me, most of them I didn't even wear because I didn't like the outcome of them. If I ever buy Hinata's uniform I would live to do more of a serious photoshoot and cosplay of him, but for now I will stick to his casual laid back version!"

Kageyama Haikyuu Cosplay
One of the best benefits from cosplaying characters is learning how to act with different personalities and quirks.
Kageyama (casual)
"The black haired anger issued character from Haikyuu, also known as the 'King' Kageyama was one of the more relaxed cosplays I have done from the Karasuno volleyball team. His shirt I made for the 2022 sleepover skit was to match Hinata's by being hand painted. For this casual cosplay, I leaned more towards a comfortable vibe for his outfit and wanted to look like he didn't put much effort into the choices he made as if he could care less if he was there. By putting Kageyama into this skit, I wanted to capture all of his moments and personality traits against the other characters to bring the bickering and memorable likeness to the series that everyone loves. Like most of the other characters, I would love to cosplay as his actual uniform if I ever had it but for now, everyone gets his casual outfit which is just as good!"
Princess Kageyama
"After I had watched Haikyuu for the first time in 2020, I wanted more than anything to cosplay as him. I however didn't want to cosplay as his normal uniform since I wanted a change of pace and my princess cosplays were already doing so well, so I decided to focus on making a Princess Kageyama cosplay. Using his well known nickname as the king, I wanted to make the same cape and crown as the show but pink and more glittery. This cosplay was a lot of fun to make and I had an absolute blast. It did very well and everyone on TikTok loved and blew it up. After a couple years after this cosplay, I ended up getting rid of his shirt, shorts and crown. Instead if I wanted to bring back this version I would definitely remake it much better with my knowledge of sewing now."

Nishinoya Haikyuu Cosplay
Being the same height as a character you cosplay as can be some of the most cursed and chaotic content made known to man.
"With either my casual or cannon uniform cosplays for Nishinoya, I have always found myself loving the opportunity and chance to portray him. Since I am roughly the same size as him and shorter than all my friends, I love to cosplay as him and be able to run around chaotically. Both versions of Nishinoya that I cosplay as are cannon and shown in the series, so I ended up purchasing them to make it easier to portray without having to make them myself. As for the wig, I had bought a brown lace front male wig and bleached it with actual hair dye. It took about 2 times bleaching it to get it to the light tone that I desired. He is one of my favorite cosplays I own since I get to act myself and not worry about being too short for the character."

Tanka Haikyuu Cosplay
Haikyuu is an anime and series well known for expressing lots of different personalities and how others can get along through one shared liking on a sport.
"The instant I cosplayed as Tanka, I LOVED IT. I didn't even want to take it off once I had put it on, and even wore it for a couple more hours after I filmed and made content since I loved the feeling of being in his cosplay. Back when I did cosplay as him in 2021 I had the sides of my head shaved into a deathhawk so I put a beanie up and put on makeup enough to make it look like I was bald underneath. However later on in 2024 I shaved off my head entirely, and have full access to cosplaying the bald man in his true glory! In all, I had so much fun cosplaying as him and if I had to choose any other character to cosplay their uniform version of in the future, it would hands down be Tanaka!"

Tsukishima Haikyuu Cosplay
The tallest character in Haikyuu, known as Tsukishima, has been cosplayed countless of times by fans of all heights!
"My My My... this cosplay has a lot to it. When I first watched this anime in 2020, his uniform was difficult to find online to buy, and the only ones I could find were VERY EXPENSIVE so I had set out to making my own uniform for him to do a matching cosplay group with the HypeHotel in 2020. I loved this cosplay but that's when I first realized that I was the smallest in the group cosplaying as the tallest character. I was very self conscious of how small I was compared to everyone else because in this anime, height matters a LOT for each character. For all the photos taken, everyone had to either kneel or bend their knees while standing next to me to make it appear as if I was taller. With these cosplays, we had a ton of fun bringing the characters to life for a fun day of memories, content and photos.... even launching a volleyball into a random persons yard."

Yamaguchi Haikyuu Cosplay
Sometimes most characters from different anime's and series tend to look like each other due to the same hair style/color and accessories, within challenging themselves, cosplayers learn to differ and be unique with each character to make them stand out.
"My main concern while making my Yamaguchi cosplay was to avoid looking too much like Deku from 'My Hero Academia' since I was also using his wig. Yamaguchi looks a lot different than Deku while being drawn up, but when it comes to cosplaying as him, lots of people get the two confused. I wanted to avoid this at all costs and did everything in my power to look like him. So i had styled the wig differently, made him dress in a style Deku normally wouldn't and hoped that people would tell the difference and not wonder why Deku was in a Haikyuu video. Now since it's been several years since 2020, I feel as if I can definitely make a much bigger and better cosplay of Yamaguchi and make sure that people are not confused on the character or cosplay."

Asahi Haikyuu Cosplay
When cosplayers make the decision to cosplay as their favorite character from that series, they tend to make sure that the cosplay they make is the best they possibly can do so they are not too hard on themselves.
"Let me begin with saying.... I love this man. He is by far my favorite character in this anime/series and when I decided to cosplay as him, I was unsure if I could even do him justice. There are SO MANY talented cosplayers that bring Asahi to life that do such an INCREDIBLE job, that at one point, I held myself at such a high standard not knowing if I could pull it off. Alas, I had to create his cosplay for a Haikyuu Sleepover Skit I made in 2021, I believe I did the best I could with the time I was given. I prefer to have others cosplay as him since I prefer admiring the Asahi cosplayers more than cosplaying him myself. Just know that if there is an Asahi cosplayer at a con I am attending, I will definitely be asking to take a photo with them!"

Sugawara Haikyuu Cosplay
With most friend groups whether you are in sports, hobbies, work, family and anything in between, there is most likely the 'Mom' friend that takes care of the rest of the group.
"Cosplaying as the 'Mom' friend can be one of the most fun roles and experiences you can have. Especially if it is at a con and being able to take care of your friend group, making sure they have water, food and energy throughout the long day. Sugawara or Suga, is known to be the mom of the Karasuno volleyball team and makes sure to take care of the other members as one of the oldest on the team. While writing the Haikyuu Sleepover skit I did in 2021, I made sure to add aspects of Suga being a mom to the rest of the group."

Coach Ukai Haikyuu Cosplay
There is a very unique feeling when a cosplayer has the realization that they an cosplay a character and has everything for it already.
Coach Ukai
"I remember the day I realized that I could cosplay as Coach Ukai, I was laying down and scrolling through my phone on Instagram when I came across fan art of him. That's when my cosplaying mind went straight into thinking how I could pull him off. While I was going throughout the checklist from head to toe, I was checking to see what I had and didn't have. That's when I realized... I had EVERYTHING. From the wig, headband, jacket, shirt and pants. The only thing I didn't have was a cigarette... and I don't smoke. So instead of buying one and having to smell it while lighting it for photos, I got a rolled up piece of paper, colored the tip with orange and the other black and then lit it on fire carefully. Somehow it worked out well! I would love to cosplay him again and still have everything for it, just not the time in my busy schedule!"