One of the most well known horror series thanks to the movie bringing the franchise to a very enjoyable experience for many ages and audiences! Before the movie, the franchise captures fans attention by interactive videogames, game plays and merch!

William Afton FNAF Cosplay
Taking the challenge and different aspect of bringing the man behind it all to life from making the cosplay with how they perceive the character.
William Afton
"My lovely partner Cloud has many of his own cosplays that he has made himself and brought to life, one of the main ones that he holds dear to his heart is William Afton from FNAF. When having the chance to get to know Cloud before we got together, I was able to see his love and passion for William and how the series portrayed him. Months later while I was recovering from surgery, I was able to do my very own cosplay as him as well with a bloodied white shirt, pants and name tag. I did my very own photoshoot in my mothers bathroom since I was still recovering from surgery and couldn't go anywhere. This cosplay turned out so well and I am extremely proud of it, even if I was in a huge cast you couldn't see!"

Michael Afton FNAF Cosplay
Comparing cosplayers is NEVER recommended or warranted whatsoever. However when cosplayers are wanting to cosplay the same characters together to understand how they interpreted the character with a love and passion, that is very valid.
Michael Afton
"When my partner Cloud and I first began to get to know each other in 2022 we both wanted to cosplay as Michael Afton to bring together our different outlooks on the same character. So one night, we cosplayed the same character in our own personal ways from hair, accessories, clothing and acting. I went along with more of a maintenance look to the character and including one of the most popular hairstyles for the style of game.... the mullet. Cloud however used his own hair to portray him. Both cosplays are 100% valid and cannon in their different ways. I loved being able to see my partners different rendition of the character and still love what we both did!"

Evan Afton FNAF Cosplay
From the youngest member of the Afton Family to the second to die to his sibling Elizabeth.
Evan Afton
"I. LOVE. THIS. COSPLAY. That's all. Thank you."
"Just kidding! There is so much to say about this cosplay, character and time spent for this cosplay that I cannot NOT write about him. Where do I even start? Evan Afton is the youngest member of the Afton family and is brutally murdered by being stuffed into Freddy Fazbears animatronic head by his brother Michael. Since Evan is a kid, he doesn't have tattoos, the most he COULD HAVE are temporary tattoos or stickers. So while cosplaying as him, I have to edit out of all the photos all of my tattoos. That means any that are visible... and I nearly have a full body suit of tattoos. Covering them up for videos means a lot of foundation so I tend not to want to do it for that, instead, I only get rid of them in photos on Procreate! I love cosplaying as Evan and would definitely cosplay him in an instant if given the chance!"

Foxy FNAF Cosplay
There's always a chance for a cosplayer to go to a premiere of a movie they are more than interested to go to!
"With my foxy cosplay, I had the chance to cosplay as him for the movie premiere up in Tucson, Arizona. Originally we had invited several people to go with us, but due to their plans and not being able to, we went by ourselves Cloud and I. Cloud wanted to do a Freddy Fazbear Cosplay and I went with foxy due to the amount of items that we already had it in the closets from previous cosplays. For my foxy, I put together a lot of items I already had from my shirts, vest, scarf, belts, gauntlets, and pretty much everything else. I did not buy a single thing meant for this Cosplay instead, it was items I already had for different outfits. People at the movies in the Premier absolutely loved our Cosplays and we were able to go to Peter Piper Pizza right before the movie to take photos and make content. This by far was one of my very fun cosplays from Five Nights at Freddy’s. It was from the original five nights at Freddy’s animatronics, and not a character from any other game than the first one like my other animatronic FNAF cosplays."

Christmas Foxy FNAF Cosplay
Sometimes there’s a good reason to make a cosplay even if you hardly wear it for long because that cosplay can be used for several others!
Christmas Foxy
"For my Christmas foxy Cosplay, we decided to take Christmas foxy and Freddy to Holmat of 2023. Now this con was in the weekdays rather than the weekend like it normally has been in past years, so there wasn’t a lot of people going. For these two cosplays we wanted to do their stuffed animal Christmas versions that were sold as merch at hot topic that we found. When we first found these stuffed animals, we fell in love immediately. I wanted to re-create them, especially with the eyepatch for foxy being a peppermint. Within a couple days, I was able to sew as many things as I possibly could, including a Santa pirate coat. These cosplays were a lot of fun, and I would definitely do again however, we were barely in these cosplays at Holmat due to my lack of eyesight in the artist alley with it being very dark. Together it was extremely hard to walk around in because the eyepatch in a big dark room. If it was in any other area of the con, I was able to see properly, but since the artist alley was so dim with the lighting, it was difficult to see and be able to walk around comfortably in."

Monty FNAF Cosplay
There is a good indicator on using lore of characters from series to make cosplays that have hidden features and meaning behind the story of making it!
"Boy oh boy was this Cosplay so much fun! This Cosplay was originally made in December 2022 with only my natural hair, extensions and a green sparkly guitar that looks like it was made for him. Other than that I had no other supplies for this Cosplay. I did my absolute best to portray him yet had barely anything for him other than my make up and makeshift glasses I made out of EVA foam. An entire year later, I was finally able to make my Monty, but this time I made him as fast as I possibly could with neon fabric, scale, fabric mesh, and several other attributes and fabric types. The second time I had made a mullet wig and got glasses that were meant for the character rather than making my own like the first time. This Cosplay took a lot longer the second time but I have never been so proud of a Cosplay I did a year later with so much progress put into it. The cosplay is one of the outfits i normally take to cons whenever I do end up going to either attend or have Guesting opportunities. This Cosplay is very comfortable and I’m able to walk around for a very long time (even in platforms) so I highly recommend wearing this Cosplay to Cons when I’m unsure what premade outfits I should bring. When making this cosplay, it was right after I made my Bonnie Cosplay, so I had added the same attributes as my Glamrock Bonnie such as the shoulder pads, gloves, mullet, and glasses. I wanted to add as many attributes due to the lore of the video game. It is said that Monty had replaced Bonnie in Security Breach FNAF, so I wanted to add as many designs and critiques of his outfit to look like Bonnie’s as if he stole his style."

Glamrock Bonnie FNAF Cosplay
Being able to let your creativity shine and go crazy on a character that has been barely shown is a sort of freedom some cosplayers are able to indulge in.
Glamrock Bonnie
"My Glamrock Bonnie Cosplay was at ton of fun, I enjoyed this cosplay mainly because it was my first time dip dying a wig and cutting it as best as I possibly could into a mullet. This wig was first a very long white wig that was lace front, so I had cut it up into a mullet like shape, died the tips, purple, and then styled it up to have ears stick on through. As for the bodysuit, it was one of my first times, making a bodysuit completely from scratch with no pattern, mainly because one of the pant legs was cut and one was super long. The one long pant leg was a boot cut so I had to design my own boot cut Jumpsuit just for this Cosplay. For the cape, as well as the gloves, they were both solely made from sequin fabric (which is extremely hard to sew with) I had to back it up with another blue fabric underneath to help with the stability and the design of the accessories. As for the shoes, I wanted something that accented my Monty Cosplay. My Monty shoes are platforms with the colors of red, green, black and purple. So I wanted to do something similar to Bonnie’s shoes, so instead I did blue sparkly high heels stilettos with blue pom-poms on the tips of the toes kind of like Tinker Bell. I matched it with the same type of pom/poms for the tail that also match the color of the wig and ears. This cosplay was a lot of fun, it did very very well at cons however, the shoes that I bought for him were from a thrift store, and I did not know that they were slightly breaking until I wore them at a con. I would point out whenever you are looking at shoes at a thrift store to make sure that you double check the bottom of the shoe, especially with stilettos or high heels to see if that point is chipped or not. If it is chipped, your body will naturally lean towards the chipped parts and you will end up tripping or falling. I wish I had known that or seen that before purchasing or making the shoes more customizable because I did not know that was a thing until this Cosplay, so this was definitely a learning lesson."

Glamrock Chica Cosplay
Being a cosplay guest and getting to travel and work with cons has its perks! It’s a great way to have a cosplay resume and advertise your cosplays, hard work and dedication. Some photos posted in your resume will sometimes not be used and others will be posted instead!
Glamrock Chica
"My Chica Cosplay was not really a planned Cosplay. I wanted to originally cosplay her with my white hair whenever my hair was cut and died in that style in early 2024. In the video game, her hair is styled in a pixie cut, so I wanted to use my natural hair. However when I did the cosplay make up, I realized that I looked a lot better with a white wig. So I had styled my Ashe wig from overwatch, and added some more of a style that Chica would have. I used pink accessories such as bows and glasses to help accent her features, as for the rest of this cosplay was bought from Goodwill. Whenever Halloween came around they had lots of accessories that were extremely cheap for Halloween so I grabbed more of the 80s type wear and put it all together for one simple outfit for Chica. This Cosplay is definitely one that I would do again, however I don’t bring her to cons mainly because of her make up and possibly having it smear everywhere. This Cosplay has never been in my résumé and I think it’s hilarious that most cons use this Cosplay and photo on my Instagram and social media pages as advertisement when I never have sent it as advertisement. So I think that it’s funny that most conventions use this photo even though I’ve never recommended it or sent it their way. Maybe it’s the glitter?"

Caution Bot FNAF Cosplay
From a very last minute cosplay to being one of the most chaotic and beautiful memories!
Caution Bot
"Caution Bot is one of my favorite Cosplays from Fnaf. This Cosplay was definitely one that was for shits and giggles at first and wasn’t meant to be serious whatsoever. When I first saw the character, I wanted nothing more than to create and bring them to life. The caution bot is a very small robot in 'Security Breach Five Nights at Freddy's' or 'Ruined'. They pretty much just stares at you and doesn't move or jump scare much. All it does is whiz around whenever you click it, and just stare deep deep deep into your soul."
"I wanted nothing more than to create this Cosplay and bring this character into real life mainly because I thought that they were so cute and weird. I ended up making the ears out of EVA foam and getting my Dremel to Dremel The tiny small holes like the speaker ears that they have. I attached the ears to a wire that I looped around a pencil to make a spring, then finally wrapped it around the headband to create more of a bouncing feature to the Cosplay. Every time I would turn or move my head, the ears with bounce and move in that direction. As for the contacts I wanted to do plain white eyes because the animatronics any really have white eyes with no details that are used like flashlights in the game. I didn’t know what else to do for the wig however. I didn’t know if I wanted to do a blonde, yellow or black wig so I went more with a blonde wig for the end result. At the end of day, it made me look like Chat Noir from 'Miraculous Ladybug'. For the rest of the outfit I had chose a black shirt and pair of pants as a base to focus more on the attention to detail on everything else. I made the sign with cardboard and paint. The content made from this was completely crazy and chaotic, I loved every second of it."