LarpLikeRae has a knack of cosplaying characters that are on the rare side of the anime! In 2020 Rae had challenged themselves with bringing the My Hero Academia character: FatGum to real life and social media went crazy for it.
Here is a cosplay that helps represent inclusion in the Cosplay Community, where LarpLikeRae believes, “Anyone can cosplay no matter your gender, age, weight, height, sexuality, ethnicity or orientation.”

What is a better character to show body positivity than Fatgum from My Hero Academia!
“If I had to choose 1 character to represent the love and acceptance of their own growth and body positivity, it would hands down be FatGum. When I first watched My Hero Academia season 4 and briefly met the Pro Hero FatGum, I immediately knew that no matter what, I was going to cosplay him. Within time, I had finished the season and found out more about his quirk, personality and character. He is such a strong and amazing embodiment of self love and positivity.”
“I remember immediately ordering his jacket and then creating his knee pads and boots while the jacket arrived in the mail. Once it was delivered I RUSHED TO COSPLAY HIM. Once I had posted content of him, I was overwhelmed with people showing a love for him aswell. It became such a comfort to cosplay as him especially with showing off the body positivity side.”
“One of the most life changing experiences I’ve had while in the cosplay community has been while cosplaying as FatGum to conventions. The amount of people that have come up to me to express that my cosplay of him has brought them joy and comfortability because his character isn’t cosplayed enough. Especially showing off no matter what you look like, you can always cosplay a character you love. I’ve enjoyed inspiring people to do the cosplay they were scared or intimidated to do.”
“I will never forget how the community and the cosplay of Fatgum has helped not only myself, but countless of others. And to that, I do not plan to stop cosplaying this incredible hero.“

Santa Fatgum
A way to bring the holiday spirit around with a very humble and thoughtful character:
Santa Fatgum
“After bringing to life the character FatGum with my cosplay I had a lot of requests to bring him back constantly. So for the holiday season, I had asked my Patrons what character they would like to see come back for the holidays and none other than FatGum was requested.”
“Since FatGum is very food-based with his personality and loves a good snack, I decided to go with a lemonade-stand type vibe but instead it was hot chocolate. I made a mini hot chocolate stand in my house with a bench/stool, and made a couple signs out of cardboard and paper towel rolls. I sat on the floor criss-cross applesauce with brick paper behind me, and the camera on the tripod infront of the stand. I then ended up filling containers full of hot cocoa mix, marshmallows, and candy canes. I made lots of videos, showing off my cute little Hot Cocoa stand, and everyone loved it! The next year after that, I brought back the hot cocoa stand and Santa fat gums little area.”
“The outfit for Santa fat gum was just a coat at first, the coat I made was from crushed velvet and it is reversible so that you can wear it inside out for another character and then when you flip it the other side is the fatgum logo! I wanted to make it very interchangeable so that I didn’t have to have two jackets roaming around, I could just have one that could work for any character!”