LarpLikeRae's first ever anime was FairyTail, being one of their all time favorites and close to their heart! Once watching Fairytail, Rae wanted more than anything to design outfits based on the characters, and that's what started their cosplaying career! Rae has made several Fairytail cosplays and has lost countless of photos of their old cosplays such as Erza and Natsu!

Jellal FairyTail Cosplay
Traveling for cosplay is one of the most exciting and stressful opportunities, LarpLikeRae took 4 days to create their very own Jellal cosplay for Portland Oregons convention: Kumoricon!
"2022 was quite a hectic and crazy year with knee surgery, recovery and traveling. I had the opportunity to go see my wonderful Sugar Family again in Portland Oregon and spend a couple days with them before, during and after Kumoricon. JJ and I had planned out cosplaying characters together from different series such as Fairytail, My Hero Academia and Seven Deadly Sins. For our Fairytail cosplays, we had planned to cosplay as Erza and Jellal together. So within about 4 days I had pulled together a Jellal cosplay! This cosplay was a ton of fun, and right before the con I was able to cosplay him again to take photos and make content before I traveled up to Oregon. His cosplay is something I love and will cherish since it is from my very first anime ever!"

Wendy FairyTail Cosplay
With the beginning of anyones cosplay career, there are lots of lessons and new experiences that can be taught and learned with practice and challenging yourself.
"Back in 2019 when I was first starting to cosplay and challenge myself with new cosplay and characters, I had bought a long dark blue wig with ponytails. I remember immediately wanting to do a Wendy cosplay, so without further wait, I had made my first ever dress without understanding how patterns worked. Because of this project, it definitely taught me how a basic dress pattern works and I have obviously have learned from it since then! I have gotten rid of this cosplay since then because it no longer fit me and I knew I could remake it bigger and better, but since I am busy with other cosplays, it will have to wait for now!"