In 2020 a very popular YouTube Series had reached a new limit with 36 members with different stories, lore and back stories. Many watchers became addicted to the story line and began to bring these characters to another form of art: Cosplay.
LarpLikeRae has discontinued this cosplay series and will no longer be joining back. Please enjoy all of these cosplays that have been done, created and the efforts for each one! Do not harass cosplayers that have left fandoms for personal reasons.

Technoblade Cosplay Dream SMP
There are sometimes cosplays that are simply done out of a curiosity of the character and turn into the most memorable and treasured cosplay.
PSA: Mentions of death
"This cosplay is very emotional for countless of people who know who this creator, character and person is. If you do not know much about Technoblade please go check out this incredible video here."
"Technoblade was a part of the Dream SMP in 2020, that's when I was introduced to his character in the series and content made. After being hooked on his streams and videos, I wanted to cosplay as his character. So I had sewn together a cape, accessories, props and mask. I loved this cosplay so much and was able to do several photoshoots and go to cons in his cosplay. Sadly in 2022 he had passed away from Cancer, because of his death, I will always admire all the content, art and dedication not only from him but from his support system and fans."

TommyInnit Cosplay Dream SMP
There are many life lessons that can be learned while cosplaying from several series and fandoms, some experiences can be unexpected and sometimes make an impact on the rest of your life.
PSA: Talks of harassment, bullying, and attempted assault.
Tommy Innit
"This is going to be a very long story."
"I had began to Cosplay more from the Dream SMP in 2020. One of the characters I ended up cosplaying as after my first Cosplay (Technoblade) was TommyInnit. Now for this Cosplay, I did not know what the main life changing events and changes would occur from the experiences made from it. In 2021 I had gone to Florida to visit a friend to make content and Cosplay with. The cosplays that we had agreed to do were Dream and Tommy from the Dream SMP. While making this content, we did not know what side of the Internet this would end up on. Sadly, our videos ended up on a not friendly side of TikTok (straight TikTok). The people that interacted with the content we made were responded with horrible comments or duets about us just for enjoying Cosplaying from a series we liked. Comments were telling us to unalive ourselves, as well as saying how are Cosplays were very childish and disgusting. The Comments did not stay there. As time progressed the comments telling us to kill ourselves, harm ourselves or that they would do it themselves started to escalate to other videos and cosplays that were not Dream SMP related."
"At one point I nearly broke down in tears because this became my most viewed video at that time being 1.3million views and it wasn't positive. Weeks after the videos were uploaded, I decided for my mental health and safety that I should take them down. So I ended up making them private instead with no access to the public."
"Sadly, the hate didn't stop and within time, it became physical. I was traveling from Tucson after a photoshoot with my amazing friend Heather (they/them) and on the way back to my town I had my windows rolled down. Some teenage boys stopped at a light beside me and started to say 'TikTok! TikTok!!!' I thought that it was so incredible that they recognized me, until we began driving again. They started to create a pattern of speeding up beside me in the lane next to me and then slow down so that I would pass them, then they would speed up again. All while doing this, every time they would pass me they would shout insults. The same insults that were commented on my videos such as "Your parents want a refund" and "fatherless behavior". At this point I was filming and was confused on what was really going on because I had realized that the hate wasn't just in my comments at this point, it was in real life. Beside me."
"Right when I was talking to the camera and driving, the boys drove in front of me, cut me off and slammed on their breaks going 50 miles per hour. I nearly got into an accident and I was put in danger. Right then I had pulled into a parking lot and sat there having a panic attack. I wasn't doing well mentally and didn't know what to do. So I made a video saying that I was taking a month break and wasn't sure if I was going to continue to cosplay due to nearly getting injured or killed. Luckily i came back and have been making content ever since, but since I was nearly killed or badly injured I have been a big advocate of taking a break from cosplay if it means putting your safety or mental health first. Cosplay can wait."

Quackity Cosplay Dream SMP
From cosplaying characters that had so many hilarious commentary to bringing it live to a convention!
"In 2022 I was slowly coming back to the Dream SMP fandom but ONLY if I were to cosplay with others. I was afraid of the previously mentioned assault to happen again so a year later I had began to come back to cosplay with friends. Tucson Comic Con was coming around the corner and Cloud and I were planning out our cosplays for that con. I ended up making a Quackity cosplay within about 2 days as cloud made a Schlatt outfit. Our cosplays looked so good and I LIVED for it. The content and memories we made as those characters were so amazing and I loved every second of it."

These cosplays need their own folder since there are 5 separate outfits!