Cosplay used to not be as common or well known as it is now in todays day and age. Most cosplays began with Comic based characters or manga, unlike today where cosplay can be from anything!

Tank Girl Cosplay
When a snarky comment from a friend began to a whole lot of 'proving right'.
Tank Girl
"This cosplay first started out as a petty, snarky comment from a coworker of mine in 2022. I rememeber I had just shaved my hair into a blonde/white pixie cut and wanted to show it to my coworkers at work. Since I had chose to wear a crop top and tactical pants, one of my coworkers had intended to make fun of me and called me 'Tank Girl'. I didn't know who Tank Girl was and decided to google her, and to be honest I had no idea if it was a good compliment or a bad insult. So I laughed it off and decided to follow the Tank GIrl instagram since I LOVED the art style. Within time I started to love the design of her and the different artwork, I finally took the time to watch the movie and I WAS HOOKED. I wanted to cosplay as her eventually but had no idea when, where or how since her hair was bussed.... So I made the crazy decision to shave my head in crazy patterns."
"In 2024 I had planned to get the rest of my head tattooed, and to do so I had to shave off the rest of my hair. So before I made the decision to shave my head, I wanted to throw together a tank girl photoshoot with Chris (an amazing photographer and cosplayer). So the photoshoot was planned for monday but the only time I had to shave my head was on the Friday before. So I threw together an outfit, made a crop top and bussed me head in the worst looking haircut possible. This was the most physical dedication I had ever put into a cosplay... and it paid off!"
"Cloud and I met at SASCO in Arizona for the photoshoot while it was sprinkling and raining. The photos turned out amazing and majority of the guns were REAL. EVEN THE FLARE WAS REAL. That thing did freaking stink and since we did it inside of a tomb like area, it basically gas chambered us inside haha! So we had fled from the tomb like area in a coughing fit once the flare had died out. I had a blast being able to take a petty insult into a work of art and a dream!"

Boyfriends Cosplay
Comics tend to be a little too addictive for LarpLikeRae since they enjoy the storylines as well as the artwork. Their friend Jinx had introduced Rae and Cloud to the wonderful world of the comic 'Boyfriends' a polyamorous comic webtoon.
"My lovely friend Jinx has been able to attend several cons with Cloud and I from 2023 and 2024 to future adventures! While visiting and helping us with my guesting opportunity at Phoenix Fan Fusion in 2024, Jinx had introduced both cloud and I to the webtoon comic 'Boyfriends'. The comic got Cloud and I hooked since we are both polyamorous. The comic shows so many different situations between a 4 person Poly couple and how everything is handled with love and care. It is a very good comic to learn more about poly relationships and how to communicate while in them. I will not lie, I learned a lot more reading it and I highly suggest it! After reading the webtoon, Cloud and I went shopping for outfits of each of the partners to cosplay as together. The first cosplays we did were Nerd and Prep. I love these characters and would definitely cosplay as them again in a heartbeat!"