A very popular first person shooter game set in different times and places, including futuristic worlds and outer space can be known as Call of Duty. In early 2024 LarpLikeRae and Cosmicloud took it upon themselves to bring to life the amazing duo Soap and Ghost.

Soap COD Cosplay
When a very fast costest turns into a very popular and loved photoshoot and cosplay!
"I have never been one for Call of Duty®. I’m not going to lie whatsoever, Call of Duty was always a game that I had played at a friends house briefly. I never was one for playing it by myself or interested in it until finally Cloud and I had been dating for about two years and he had communicated to me that he wanted to make a ghost cosplay because it was so popular. I had voiced out that I would like to participate with him, but I had no idea what character to do, so he introduced me to Soap. Once I was done getting to know Soap and his personality, I immediately wanted to cosplay him, but didn’t know exactly how to since I am tiny and small compared to him. And if you know anything about me, I am extremely short compared to how people actually think I am and I am very self-conscious with how small my height is compared to other people. Especially if I decide to cosplay characters that are very tall, I tend to get very self-conscious with my own height. I had thought on the idea of creating a Soap Cosplay and finally within about a month I had created my very own outfit and design for him. So the day of my Chica cosplay photoshoot from Five Nights at Freddy's, Cloud, Chris and I planned to do a COD photoshoot. Right after my Chica Photoshoot was done by Chris I immediately washed off all the body paint, and started to get ready in my Soap cosplay with my partner as Ghost. Chris, Cloud and I all traveled over to an abandoned airplane graveyard and took some of the best photos I think I’ve ever had. Chris was able to bring this all to life and genuinely was a very fun photoshoot! It felt like we were almost attacked by coyotes yet in reality they were very far from us, but the howling every once a while was very concerning and gave me the heebie-jeebies once we were in that plane. The photos turned out freaking amazing and I wouldn't change them for the world! My head tattoo was done a couple days prior to the photo shoot so it just glowed in the sun and looked so freaking fresh, new and clean. I would love to cosplay as him again in the near future, however my hair needs to grow back, and I will have to re-style it like his haircut or I will have to actually make a lace front wig to go for him."

Ghost COD Cosplay
Some of the most popular 'Tattoo in Cosplay' requested videos by LarpLikeRae are of characters that have masks.
"Ghost is normally cosplayed by my partner, Cosmicloud. He has made everything for his Ghost cosplay including the several versions he does! I am one for Cosplay. as mentioned several times, and I have had a very big liking to Soap rather than Ghost. I know a lot of people simp for ghost, and it’s a character that everyone truly loves, but I have taken more of a liking to his buddy Soap. So whenever I was requested to Cosplay as Ghost while tattooing, I knew I had to take that chance to cosplay as him for content, however I wanted to tattoo as soap as well. So immediately afterwards once I was done cosplaying as Ghost, I switched to cosplaying as Soap. I ended up tattooing as Soap just because I loved him a lot more and wanted to show him off before I buzzed all my hair off. For the Ghost cosplay, the only time I ever really cosplayed as him was for tattooing as him and it was solely Clouds Cosplay and not mine. So credit him for all the hard work that he put into the Cosplay because it’s absolutely incredible and I’m so happy that he was able to let me borrow the Cosplay let alone Cosplay and tattoo him."