LarpLikeRae has started to create more and more Blitzø cosplays as they begin their journey with Cosplaying from the Hellu-verse!

Casual Blitzø Cosplay Helluva Boss
What started as a costest slowly began to become something a lot more addicting as the cosplays went on!
Casual Blitzø
"Honestly, when I first made this Cosplay, I was thinking about how to be comfy at a convention that was out of state. I wanted to bring my Blitzø Cosplay as a brand new outfit and character to my lineup for LVL-UP Expo in Las Vegas 2024. I was invited to be a guest and Cosplay judge so I wanted nothing more than to bring a character that would be extremely comfortable. On Friday of the convention, my partner, Cloud and I cosplayed as Blitzø and Stolas. I had used items and accessories from my other Cosplays for my Blitzø cosplay. Such as the wig, shirt, trench coat and pants. The only thing that was made for this Cosplay were the horns and that was done by my lovely partner Cloud. This was the first Cosplay I ended up doing of Blitzø and it was more of a casual Cosplay rather than his actual cannon outfit. However, as time goes by, I have added and taken off so much to make more of a customized casual Cosplay!"

Assassin Blitzø Cosplay Helluva Boss
When given trial and error into Cosplay, there are different attributes that cosplayers can add or take off to customize their own character or rendition of a cosplay!
Assassin Blitzø
"As someone that makes cosplays by trial and error, I tend to find out what does and doesn't work for specific characters and outfits. I had a ton of fun with making my Assassin Blitzø cosplay. It was a lot like my casual Blitzø cosplay with some of the same supplies, however, I had made a skull choker and a new wig to go alongside it for this new version. Within time I think I might end up changing things up but for now I absolutely love this assassin gear, and was able to portray him quite well if I do say so myself!"

Cowboy Blitzø Cosplay Helluva Boss
Some cosplayers love to dress up as characters with different outfits and meaning behind each. They tend to take it upon themselves to cosplay a character that is more on a rare side that is unique and stands out!
Cowboy Blitzø
"I think one of the fun parts about cosplaying as a character that you absolutely love is that there’s several different outfits for each character and even if it’s not a canon outfit, it can definitely be some thing that you enjoy or you think that they would look great in. In Helluva Boss, there is an episode where IMP decided to go to a southern festival. Everyone was in cowboy attire and I loved Blitzø's outfit. So I ended up making his western attire and my partner Cloud and I were able to go to Old Tombstone in Arizona to do a whole photoshoot of this character. I enjoyed every minute of it and seeing everyone’s reaction in real time was hilarious. so please enjoy the content that was made! This content is going to be included in the July 2024 website subscriptions and monthly themes!"

Tattooer Blitzø Cosplay Helluva Boss
Most characters LarpLikeRae Cosplays as can be used as tattoo content or to be tattooed in Cosplay as. While Rae gets to tattoo as characters, they have to change up some attributes that it is more wearable and possible to Tattoo in.
Tattooer Blitzø
"I think one of my favorite parts about cosplaying and tattooing at the same exact time is being able to change up a character enough so that they are tattooable in. Most characters that have body paint are truly hard and difficult to tattoo in. Since there is open skin and blood-borne pathogens, you have to be extremely careful with the open wound. So whenever I do get a chance to Cosplay as specific characters with the body paint, such as Blitzø, I have to be strategic with what type of gloves I wear, so that I can be sanitary as well as not showing off my whole skin tone. I loved being able to bring this Cosplay the life and tattoo in! It is one of my favorite chaotic characters to tattoo clients as since everyone has a lot of fun during the session. I will definitely do again if it was ever requested by another client!"