There are many series, animes, shows and fandoms where owning one uniform can be used for countless of characters! Attack on Titan is known for its uniforms, symbols, gear and overall vibe.

Levi Ackerman AOT Cosplay
When a characters OCD and demeaner comes in handy with the task you are destined to do.
Levi Ackerman
"Back in 2022 I was asked to cosplay as Levi Ackerman for a tattoo session. One of the most noticeable aspects to 'Attack on Titans' outfits are that they are fully white underneath the jacket and cape. So tattooing in fully white tends to be quite a difficult and challenging task. However when I did tattoo as Levi, I was extremely careful and was able to not get any pigment whatsoever on my outfit. Other than that, after the tattoo I had made a video of me cleaning up my station as Levi with sweeping and wiping everything down which felt VERY in character for him!"

Armin AOT Cosplay
Sometimes, cosplaying as characters doesn't mean you'll be fully comfortable or even want to cosplay as the character after all.
"Back in 2022, I was given the opportunity to be the Armin of an 'Attack on Titan' panel at Phoenix Fan Fusion. I had bought everything for the cosplay and even had the chance to cosplay as him a couple days before I went to the con, and during that time I realized that I looked like He-Man instead of Armin. I was so distraught but still wanted to push forwards and still do it for the panel. The day of the con and panel, I felt SO UNCOMFORTABLE in the cosplay and hated the way I looked, I wanted nothing more than to change out, not participate in the panel and leave. So I communicated to the panel organizer and explained how I was highly uncomfortable and wanted to withdraw. I felt horrible but I knew my mental health was important and if I needed a minute away from everything, I should take that moment rather than possibly doing harm to my mental health. Its okay to take a step back if a cosplay makes you uncomfortable and you don't like it. Things like that happen and its 100% valid!"